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  • Writer's pictureDavid Curtin

I Leave My Water Running All Day

If you just let your water run all day, you will have instant access to water every time you need it… you will never have to turn the handle on (or OFF for that matter!) eliminating two extra steps, multiple times a day. This could save you 1 hour every year!

Luckily no one thinks like this. Most people agree that the extra effort required to turn the water on and off is worth it. People are willing to sacrifice the benefit of having truly INSTANT access because they know that it saves money and it is good for the environment.

What people don’t realize is that the customer desire for instant access in the grocery world (also often referred to as 'instant gratification' in the retail world) comes at a cost. Not only is this costly for the environment, but it's also costly for the consumer. In the United States, we overproduce food by nearly 30-40% with much of that going to waste… and YES! THE CONSUMER PAYS FOR MOST OF IT. (markups, markdowns, BOGOs)

Thanks to online ordering, The customer that is willing to sacrifice the benefit of INSTANT access by thoughtfully scheduling their orders online ahead of time, will get better products at better prices, with free delivery right to their door!

Scheduling an order takes the guesswork out of how you perpetually stock 40,000 stores a day with fresh food… which is basically like leaving your water running… FOREVER.

(oh and save the planet too! I’ll tell you how that works some other time).

So if you have never ordered your groceries online, I encourage you to give it a try! It has a much bigger impact than you think!

Here is a link to our online grocery service which just started in Cincinnati, OH that offers free pickup and delivery in neighborhoods that don’t have grocery stores. Included as well are other amazing services that can reach just about anyone!

Thank you for reading! and no I don’t actually leave my water running all day. Please share this to help drive more focus towards #Sustainable#FoodSystems #FoodAccess #FoodWaste #FoodInsecurity #FoodDeserts#FoodForest

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